Remember you can see 'full-screen' by hiding the RH sidebar (see tiny arrow top-right). And hit F11.
Compiling our Activities Journal and AAR (After Action Review)
Help us by write/edit this wiki-document. Need help helping?
And now, on to planning #ReadyCity2014
Affiliated with ReadyIndy & Christian Emergency Network & CityReaching Movement.
(New to all this? START HERE.)
(Below is the 'Situation Screen' we'll be working through on Sept.21st during #ReadyCity2013.)
Or go see larger Incident listfeed.
Describe First-Responders Overview:
(From a technical perspective: Incident Type, Hazards, etc)
Describe ReadyIndy & Affiliates Overview:
(From a 'lives' perspective, how we can help most, etc.)
(Click to this 'Incident' map) (Click to our general Metro Ministry Map) View Incident in a larger map
(update scorecard)
Hope! Peace with God. Friends.
Blankets, bottled water, baby supplies, gift-cards, $$$.
(Do NOT need more clothes.)
Chaplains, pastors, prayer-warriors.
Trained/Affiliated Volunteers
Sudden Untrained Vols (SUV's)
Digital volunteers (VOST)
(when activating)
___% Rollcall Tier1 Contacted
___% Rollcall Tier2 Contacted
___ Onsite Assignments filled.
___ VOST Assignments filled.
WYNS HelpDesk Wiki
HDI Institute Tips Sheets
Which CITY's Wiki-page
Total Families Impacted
Total Individuals Impacted
Families Reached
% Families Reached
Families Displaced
Cases under Mgmt
Team Hrs Logged
Learning Objectives:
- 'Intro To ReadyCity' certificate = Introduces the ReadyChristian, ReadyChurch, ReadyCity & CityReaching concepts during our Roundtable portion as we also work through theological and multicultural 'hazards'.
- And ultimately, obtain hands-on experience during our 2-hr 'exercise'.
- Team-building: How to go from 'Chaos' to 'Order' in one day.
- During an emergency, what special challenges arise due to multicultural and language differences?
- 'Communication' is an underlying foundational step to any teamwork. Learn the 'PIO' role.
- In just thirty minutes, learn to how to share the gospel in times of crisis.
Our current timeline for the day... (This follows our emergency protocols sequence for any emergency)...
- RollCall Enroute (Btw, building will be open at 7am for setup.)
- 8:00am 'Volunteer Triage'.
- 8:30am Roundtable Discussion: Assessing Our Teamwork Capability in the City
- The Question (for every topic-table): "During an emergency, what are the 'hazards' to effective teamwork? How can we navigate/mitigate these hazards?"
- Theology (Lausanne Lessons?)
- Government (Richmond Hill Lessons?)
- Multicultural (Ethnic, Generational, Rich/Middle/Poor, Terrorist Emergency?) (Katrina Lessons? Chin Donation Lessons? Gospel Lessons?)
- Language (Spanish, Chin, Deaf, etc)
- 10:00am ICS Overview (Steve Pappas)
- 10:30am Building an Incident Action Plan... with S.M.A.R.T. Objectives
- 11:00am Round-robin Role Training: Leaders - Ops/Safety - Planning/PIO - Logistics - PCS (Prayer-Care-Share)
- 12:00pm IMPD 'Community Day' Displays (outside), Interactions & Food
- 1:00pm Exercise (til 2:59pm)
- 3:00pm After-Action-Review ('hotwash')
- 3:30pm Awards Ceremony
- 3:59pm Adjourned.
- (then reset the room and clear the building by 5pm)
Evaluation Measure of event success:
(score a 'before' and 'after' for each; 1 to 5 stars)
- How to organize chaos into team action & accomplishment? ____ to ____
- Awareness and how to mitigate/overcome Christian community Issues/Hazards? ____ to ____
- Importance/Understanding of Roles, Training & Team Exercises? ____ to ____
- My ability to accelerate impact through scaling? ____ to ____
- Our ability to help our city's Christian community become ready for prayer, care & share? ____ to ____
Stray Notes:
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