ACCESS Ministry from Indian Creek Christian Church on Vimeo.
(We're especially interested in special considerations re friends with disabilities during emergencies/disasters)
- @JBMcHatton -- Phoenix, AZ -- specially trained re emergency-readiness including disabilities. Here is a cut/paste from Jon re how the Christian community might address emergency-readiness especially with the most vulnerable in mind:
- "We are first needing to change our communities understanding through an event that shows what is available and how to utilize local resources for SPECIAL NEEDS, before we move to an actual training. If we launched a training first, very few would attend. Since we cannot rally our "safe Arizona" community around "preparation," we have identified a common special need that seemingly has no solution; Mental Illness. Hopefully this will raise the level of awareness for further training in multiple areas of people with special needs. Basically, you have to engage and support the families and individuals who daily struggle with special needs to have an effective EOP. The main reason why communities are struggling with this is that they try to deal with special needs as an emergency incident, rather than an emergency lifestyle.
Here are the desired outcomes of our event:
- Engage the FB and NGO communities
- Celebrate all organizations and agencies who are preparing, responding and mitigating emergencies.
- Identify who and how special needs individuals impact congregations, organizations and communities
- Assess needs and resources in local communities
- Utilize an Exercise to vet how we are prepared for special needs within spheres of support
- Educate the public on the signs of "stress multipliers" and how to mitigate the emergency based on the identified emotional response, utilizing a "Stress Continuum App."
- Work with law enforcement and mental health professionals to design a PSC Continuum of Care plan for emergencies large and small, starting with presentations and workshops at the event.
To answer your specific question; you can possibly start with Victim Relief training, as they are utilized in law enforcement dispatch for special needs."
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