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on December 3, 2012 at 9:21:22 am

[back to ABOUT ReadyIndy]


[Make sure this chart always agrees to our EOP.]



ReadyIndy is organized using ICS-100 simple organization plan... to be clustered in teams of 5 core roles.
[Memory-crutch?  LOLPP]

  • Leader    (Mike Boler, backup is Neil Cox & _____).  Scale our impact via affiliation & collaboration. 
  • Ops        (Ben McCann, backups are Connie Anderson-Sweatt & _____).  In charge of accomplishing vital tactical objectives... SAFELY.  Direct the 3 other key functions below... Planning, PCS and Logistics.
    • Recruit a Safety/Security Officer. (Tone Morrow, backups are Mike Wright & _________)
  • Planning/PIO  (Neil Cox, backups are Cherryl Bundy & _________) -- Centralized Information & Communication.
    • PIO -- If separately staffed
    • E_Team (Electronic, incl digi SUVs).  May be assigned to PIO, if one.
  • PCS (PrayerCareShare) (ICS says Finance is the optional 5th position -- but PCS Officer is most vital to us)  (Leader is Doty Simpson-Taylor, backups are Hope Pottenger & _____) -- And of course, once we have a PCS officer, that person can recruit individual officers for each of Prayer, Care & Share section leaders.
  • Logistics  (Connie Anderson-Sweatt, Erik Robinson & Nancy Buening) -- Providing Resources, incl Personnel/Vols to Ops.
    • SUV's -- Spontaneous Untrained Volunteers -- we provide just-in-time training (JIT) as appropriate.





[And here's our complete ROSTER (and key contacts]



Future:  Since ReadyIndy is the 9-county Metro Team, we also have a goal of starting 9 county-level clusters of 5.

  • Marion 5
  • Hamilton 5
  • Madison 5
  • Hancock 5
  • Shelby 5
  • Johnson 5
  • Morgan 5
  • Hendricks 5
  • Boone 5



Why 5's?  

  • You can have more, but 5 is the minimum.  ICS standard says 5 is the optimal 'span of control'.  7 max.
  • (If available in an emergency, two extra people can allow Leader to designate a Safety Officer.  And split Planning/PIO role into 2 people.)
  • The 5 basic roles are clear, easy to remember, and easy to explain.  You could use this simple model to organize a birthday party.
  • They are 5 common roles that any church or ministry could readily identify a point-person for each role.
  • So it's easy to have multiple teams interacting with each other.  Leaders talk to leaders. PIOs talk to PIOs.  Logistics talks to Logistics.
  • Working in small teams helps teams reach consensus, and 'bond'.  Trying to get larger groups to reach consensus takes longer, or creates disunity.
  • Each team of 5 is empowered with a certain amount of autonomy within their scope; make decisions; try different things.
  • These basic clusters of 5 will make it somewhat easy to build new teams.
  • And a base-5 model can help scale geographically.  To 9 county-teams of 5.  Then city-teams of 5.  And nhood teams of 5.
  • And if it can work during the pressures of an emergency, it can also work in 'peace-time'.
  • Working together in teams of 5... even day to day... can grow strong team bonds... which are helpful in an emergency.



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