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Overview from Eric Welch: is simply one of the portals into World Wide Open. It serves to communicate some of the relational groups that exist in the US in various categories (city networks, ministry networks, denominations, etc). We think it could also be useful for communicating larger movements/initiatives like IamSecond, NeedHim, GlobalMediaOutreach, and others. We also think (one day) it might be able help communicate volunteer opportunities from trusted organizations, and/or spur on other portals to help do this.  Here's a short little overviewAnd here's a 30-min WorldWideOpen (WWO) Video Overview.


SBT Homepage Tip:  Any links you click from the site's homepage will open in a separate tab or window.  Thus you always have the SBT homepage available. [Otherwise, the only way to navigate back to the homepage is to re-enter the URL.]



 Main Help/FAQs at WorldWideOpen -- and below are some quick tips...