Bible-believing -- It's our primary requirement to participate here.
Contact our Adminstrator -- You can even TEXT the Administrator! Just tell us your email address and we'll send you an invite to participate with us here in the cityreaching wiki.
EDIT any page... Just hit the EDIT button at the top of a page.
CREATE a new page.... You'll see a link at top-right.
For example: ADD a NEW CITY... It's easy. Just create a new page with your city's name. Add some content. And then Contact the Administrator -- ask him to add your city to the side-bar listing and map.
Writing Tips & Editorial Issues...
"Brother Be Brief"
Use links to help you be brief. [Here's a tip re LINKING.]
Especially help provide great info & links re YOUR city's movement and related ministries & communicators.
Stay focused. Only start new pages when helpful, and if you're committed to keep them current. Don't get carried away starting new pages.
Remember: During an information explosion, 'more' is not necessarily 'better'. Our objective is to connect, sharpen knowledge and turn strategy into ACTION => CHANGE.
Ask yourself "What will help accelerate the gospel and its loving impact, city to city?"
Be careful what you say. Use your best judgment. Think 'WWJD?'. When in doubt, call your mother.
The Adminstrator will of course have the last word. But don't make it come down to that. LOL.
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