Social Networking For Impact

[This wiki-page to develop one unit of the innovative course... "New Media for Urban Change".]


Previous Units... Web Development.  (design, paper-prototype)


Unit #7:  "Social Networking... Is Media... For IMPACT !"


"A cord of three strands is not easily broken."


"Two are better than one,

       because they have a good return for their work:

 If one falls down,

       his friend can help him up.

       But pity the man who falls

       and has no one to help him up!"


"The parts of the body... each belongs to the other."


 "You are what you will be, but for the people you meet, and the books you read."  (Charlie Tremendous Jones)



Social networking without a purpose... is just something else to do.

Social networking with a purpose... is called team-building.




Objectives for tonight...




Big Ideas...













Assignments (before & after)










Stray Links to keep track of, for now...




 Still soliciting feedback from...







Note:  This wiki-page will also be visible and considered as we do social-networking at CCDA St. Louis 2007.  So be thinking of great examples we can use to illustrate social-networking for urban change.