Operation Timothy

Operation Timothy


Wanna help grow the 'Timothy Tree'???


(And here's a discussion... behind the scenes)


Operation Timothy is an investigative Bible study developed by CBMC with the goal of helping people grow spiritually. It is based on the Paul-Timothy relationship in the New Testament and  Matthew 28:18-20...



Then Jesus came to them and said, "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age."


The focus of Operation Timothy is to help the believer a) develop a  testimony, b) develop a life purpose statement, c) learn the importance and true meaning of accountability,  d) learn the importance of discipleship  and e) move toward the goal of Beyond Brotherhood.  For more information on  accountability, discipleship and beyond brotherhood go to ________.




Book 1 - Finding The Way



Book 2 -- Knowing The Truth




Book 3 -- Living With Power




Book 4 -- Making A Difference





Developing 3 Additional Units for the future...

 [Eldon & Neil would like to begin working on 3 units not included in the current OT booklets.]




Book 1: Finding the Way


Option A: Put a PDF of each page on the Wiki and then for Example for  Page 5, we enter and save in a format which cannot change the questions, the following:


1. With which of the above quotations do you identify? Why?




2. Describe your first reaction to the chapter title, "The Bible: Believe It or Not?"



3. Name an individual from the past who influenced your opinion of the Bible. What ideas - positive, or negative or neutral - do you owe to this person>



Option B: Do not put a PDF page on the Wiki but simply type in the questions for Page 5, we enter and save in a format which cannot change the questions