

Page history last edited by indychristian 3 months, 2 weeks ago

 Who  What  When  Where  Why  How


"Getting the Great Commission Done... 
TOGETHER... in Greater Indianapolis"   





In 2023, we will look forward to again taking things up a notch.  Connect and share the collaborative efforts in your neighborhood, zipcode and beyond.  Click the 'WHERE' (map) link above to drill into your zipcode document and add your information.

Emergency info always found @ReadyIndy 







Overall Indianapolis Situation Report:  (SitRep)


There are 770,000 households comprising our 2,000,000 population in the Greater Indianapolis metro area.  13% of our adults hold a biblical/evangelical worldview. That’s up from 12% in 2014 report. National average went down, from 9% to 7% over that same period.  (Barna Cities Report for 2017/2018)


Capabilities Report: 


The 'Church at Indianapolis', imperfect as it is, is alive and well -- well, as well as it is in any stereotypical American city.  Sadly, the Church is fractured and seldom considers itself as 'one' (together).  But this is changing little by little:  Great collaborations are underway.  This year some have aspired to identify those, zipcode by zipcode.  Check out the Who What When Where Why How links above.   (This 12/31/2022 overview is by Neil Cox @IndyChristian)




"It is possible to express God’s love to every man, woman, young person in this city during this decade."   (the shared objective of #Love2020)


During 2022, we aspire(d) to better #BeTheChurch... together.  To demonstrate progress, we will identify (or catalyze) Christian collaborations in 55 of our 110 metro area zipcodes.




#1  Let's increasingly move toward pervasive GEO-OPERATIONS throughout the metro area... down to the #neighboring level.


#2  And let's intentionally collaborate toward a centralized OPS-SUPPORT HUB (Network) to expedite communications and to provide supportive Prayer-Care-Share expertise.


These two strategies are detailed below.


Pervasive Geo-Operations:


There are thousands of neighborhoods among our 110 zipcodes.
So here's our

    • Geo-Operations document
      • that drills down into our 9 counties
        • and into the zipcodes per county
          • and into the neighborhoods, churches & ministries within each zipcode.  



Barna City Report cited above indicates that 13% of our adults are bible-believing, practicing evangelicals.  That's 250,000... or appx 1 home out of every 8 homes.  We desire that the '1' home take responsibility for the other 7, living out a prayer-care-share lifestyle.  Is that you?  Get an account at BlessEveryHome (free individual account) to assist you. 


Best of all, churches can get a BlessEveryHome account ($15/mo church account)  and be able to connect all their people together, mapping to their neighborhoods and assisting them in reaching our city with the Good News.


Catch the vision - For instance, Kansas City now has over 2,000 neighborhood 'Lights'.


Pre-pandemic: Back in November 2019, Christian leaders, liaisons, planners met to discuss developing 1 or more high-priorities for the body of Christ in Greater Indianapolis.  Here are their working-conclusions.  Learn how you, your neighborhood and your church can become part of the 2022 collaborative effort. 
(Email PIO@ReadyIndy.org)


Centralized Ops-Support Hub:


The network of collaborative specialized ministries may be called the Ops-Support Hub, or Prayer-Care-Share Hub, or Justice-Hub. 

Point is:  We need this centralized functionality... for communications, encouragement, expertise & training. 


Here's a digital start:  WhenYouNeedSomeone.org - HelpDesk of 'Care' types of ministries throughout Greater Indianapolis. Or List of Local Affiliates


And jump onto the ReadyIndy newsletter list... as they prepare ReadyChristians and ReadyChurches... in Indy... to become a ReadyCity"Fit your feet with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace." (Eph6)


Communications Briefing:  


When the mission is both urgent & important...
"Twitter is how we roll in Indy."


The @IndyTimeline account tweets & retweets upcoming events/activities you'd want to know about.  (Copy @IndyTimeline to get YOUR events retweeted onto the timeline.)


The 'Comm Team' twitter list-feed is comprised of tweets from over 200 of our most collaborative Indianapolis Christ-followers on Twitter.


Or check out this list-feed of over 200 Indy Churches here with an official twitter account.


And here is a 'Complete' List of Indianapolis Christian Networks we hope to stay vitally in touch with. 


Scoring what's most important:  


 About Indy Scorecard  [Edit]







About the cityreaching movement in Indianapolis...


What...is cityreaching... and WHY?


We've seldom even heard the expression:  'the Church at Indianapolis'.  And who has ever talked about the traditional model as a 'citywide team on a mission'?


And btw, "how has that worked out for ya?"


  • Nationally according to Barna Research, less than 9% of adults hold a 'Biblical Worldview'
  • Of the 400 people who die in Indianapolis each week, that would be only 36 people. 
  • Bottom line so far: our city 'team' has effectively got beat 9-91.
  • And our city's communities pay the price.
  • And that 'something' is us... THE CHURCH.   (II Chron 7:14) 
    • We are The Church when we gather together for 1 hour/week to worship.
    • We are The Church for 167 hours/week, #neighboring in our homes, work-places and 3rd-places.. 


Might we be more effective in the future by WORKING TOGETHER?  What does the Bible say about harmony of the 'body'?  If YOU would like to work together for CHANGE... you're welcome to add your link below.  Then stay in touch with the Indy Timeline -- jump in and get involved as practical.  And advocate among your friends to do likewise.









WHEN are collaborative meetings & events going on here in Indy?











WHO are 'cityreachers'?

 (and what is TEAMWORK?)


It's ALL of us who are intentionally working TOGETHER, as part of the tapestry of the (Bible-believing) body of Christ in our communities.  How can we even begin to list them all?


  • Geo-Operations -- The very BEST way to drill-down is by those who are collaboratively working together in our 9-county area, their zipcodes and neighborhoods.  After all, we can best DO... *where* we *are*!   (And here's an overall metro ministries map.)
  • Ops-Support Hub -- A centralized HelpDesk set of topical pages leading to those specialty type ministries that collaboratively support the overall mission of the Church at Indianapolis.  (And here's a 'complete' list of Indianapolis Christian networks, including some Multicultural Churches.)









WHERE in Indy does cityreaching take place?


See the Greater Indianapolis metro map we're building together,  Drill-down into YOUR neighborhood by clicking into one of the (110 blue cross) zipcode markers.  Each marker will lead you to  an informative collaborative google-doc for neighborhoods and ministries there.  Add your info there!  (Or here's an alternative method to drill down into any of the 9-county, 110 zipcoded info documents.)











HOW will we go about reaching our communities for Christ?


For now, we'll just summarize our strategy to collaboratively carry out these 3 easy-to-remember functions...




And along the way, we would like to think we're learning/sharpening what 'TEAMWORK' needs to look like and become.  Your thoughts?



Join in -- it takes ALL of us!








Previously-archived version of this page 





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