  • If you are citizen of an European Union member nation, you may not use this service unless you are at least 16 years old.



Page history last edited by indychristian 9 months ago


To assist you, we're compiling the section below as a compassion knowledge-base for Indianapolis.

Love2020 Goal (Nationally):  "Every person, young and old, in your community should have the opportunity of being authentically loved by at least one committed follower of Jesus Christ by the year 2020. Every person should know God loves and cares deeply for him or her."

LOVE2020 - "SIGHT" from LOVE2020 on Vimeo.



When you need help with...



And here's the Rainbow Book online (secular resources for these same needs).  (Or download their pdf of services.)




The objective here is to collaboratively build a set of compassion-based pages for Greater Indianapolis (and beyond).


More About Our 'Care Group' Strategy & Tool-sets



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Keywords (tags) for this page:  helpdesk help desk volunteer volunteers technology info information support service supportdesk wyns whenyouneedsomeone when you need someone

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