

Page history last edited by indychristian 3 months, 2 weeks ago



The Wiki Encyclopedia Of CityReaching

 See YOUR City's Wiki... listed in the sidebar, below.



New to all this?  Quick Overview:  "How To Get Started." 

View CityReaching in a larger map 


Follow the City Reaching Movement group on Facebook for articles & discussions to stimulate your city-reaching efforts. 


NEW at CityReaching.org:  (And see CityReaching items at right)


  • August 2024 -  Tues, August 6th - National Night Out - an annual community opportunity 
  • March 2024 - Upcoming Lausanne 2024:  "Let the Church Declare and Display Christ Together".

  • February 2024 - Phil Migliorrati (#ReimagineFutureChurch) posted yet another "One Question Leaders should ask" - this one from Neil Cox, Indy. 

  • January 2024 - Goals?  In this 2024 Election Year, consider enhancing the peacemaking efforts in your city. Support a Civic Revival.  Learn more about the 'AndCampaign'. Start a local book-study of the principles. Support (or start) your local chapter. 

  • June 2023 - "Just 2 in 5 Pastors Say Their Church Is Effective At Community Outreach" -- Barna Research
    • 4-part ReadyChurch Video Training Series can help pastors & churches become effective, using a few transferable teamwork principles we've learned from 1st-Responders.  - ReadyIndy, a chapter of Christian Emergency Network.  


  • Sept/October 2022 - #HurricaneIan Response (Ft. Myers)
  • September 2022... Water Crisis - Visit our Jackson MS page.

  • March 2022... Introducing Atlanta's new CEO of UniteATL (video interview).
  • March 2022... Enjoy this foundational article, by Phil Miglioratti:  "Living In A Prayed-for City".

  • January 2022... Monthly CityReaching Zoom-calls are now headed by Matt Jacobs.  To be added to the email-list for reminders and details, email: SowCincy@gmail.com 

  • March 2020... This wiki is being helpful during #COVID19 - One example is the Joint Christian Response (Indianapolis).

  • September 2019... Indianapolis used one of its key wiki-pages during the course of their annual #ReadyCity Joint Exercise.   (Here's a followup video-clip.)  As a part of the exercise prep, they updated their "Situation Next" screen as an overview of an incident... and the response of the body of Christ in that metro area.  (And hey wait, isn't the Great Commission/Commandment also urgent & important?  So it may help you think through any of our cities' ability to better organize for mission... every day.)

  • July 2019... Check out the updated situation report style at the Indianapolis page.  Btw, also... Overheard on the recent Cities/States call:  One best-in-class learning resource:  Follow the #neighboring hashtag/topical-thread on Twitter.  (And make sure you're on the 'Latest' tab there.)

  • June 2019... Are you learning/interacting with other cities/states grassroots leaders on the monthly call?  Contact host John Kieffer for further info.  We'd love to have you.


  • March 2019... #FloridaSummit Conclusion:

    "The number one way that we can ACCELERATE the Good News throughout Florida cities & neighborhoods -- and at the same time serve as a building-block for other ministries, is... 
  • Every Month - CityReaching Conference-Call - Every 2nd Thurs, 11am Eastern.  Connect with others involved in reaching their cities.  Be encouraged and stay up on the very latest.  Call 712-432-0075  Code 4067731# 
  • Oct 2018... MAC/TC/Love2020/Pulse... National Conference in Dallas.
  • Sept 2017... #Harvey, #Irma, and #Maria Hurricane Disasters are accelerating the necessity of collaborative information, such as:  Houston, Miama/GoldCoast, Vero Beach, Jacksonville,  Tampa, Ocala pages.  Our Christian Emergency Network, ReadyIndy & @CityVOST units are fully engaged in the response.

    And we're now building-out the San Juan, Puerto Rico wiki-page!
  • May 2017... We've specially added a Chicago area map to help provide an overview of that city's Great Commission/Commandment situation... and to assist any of you who are coming to town for Amplify 2017.
  • We're starting to specially dot a 'Justice Hub' type of ministry per city (and/or a contact per city that is pursuing pulling together diaconate-type ministries into a prayer-care-share collaboration.  Mention one on YOUR city's page.  Need technical assistance here?
  • Jan.2016... We dotted Flint MI onto the CityReaching map, and added a Flint MI wiki-page and link to their map during water-crisis.
  • November 12, 2015... JusticeWorkgroup presents Whiteboard workshop at CCDA 2015 in Memphis.
  • Nov. 1, 2015... International Day of Prayer (IDOP) for the Persecuted Church.  What's YOUR city doing to add their hearts & voices?  Add your collaborative info. 
  • More & more cities now collaborating re church-planting!  
  • April 27-29 national #GospelSummit -- Great Commission collaboration hosted by Mission America Coalition re Love2020 Initiative -- Follow @MakeLoveYourAim 
  • Monthly CityReaching Conference Calls -- typically 3rd Thurs (11amET)
  • Sun, November 2, 2014, we'll be using the 'IDOP' wiki-page as we promote International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church around the globe.  Join us!
  • We continue dotting the map with cities and their various Great Commission efforts.  
  • Mapping examples:  Those affected by Spring2014 Storms.
  • #Love2020 Goal:  Every man, woman & child will have a Christian friend capable & loving enough to share the Good News of the gospel of Jesus Christ with them.  Join the effort. Love2020.com.  Follow @MakeLoveYourAim.
  • Are you coming to the Leadership Consultation in Charlotte?  We've mapped the key locations for you.
  • We just dotted the map in the cities represented in these CCDA Events coming to a city near you!
  • In light of the recent tornado damage, we've sharpened our Peoria cityreaching wiki-knowledgebase page.
  • Have you visited the new CITYREACHING.COM site? 
  • Remember #ReadyCity2013 = September 2013 = an innovative new look/feel in Indianapolis as Mission America CityReaching Division collaborates with Christian Emergency NetworkReadyIndyReadyVOST, MeetTheNeed, and Wheaton College's Humaritarian Disaster Institute to produce an all-day 'emergency' format, adding a sense of the URGENT to our already IMPORTANT mission of reaching cities for Christ.
  • The OklahomaCity page shows connections among helpful tornado disaster-relief work going on there now.
  • Around the country, we love working with 'My Hope with Billy Graham' this year.  Moreover, in Indy we're looking forward to a Graham 'festival' in 2016.
  • In 2012, our Indianapolis cityreaching folks had their own 'disaster', a whole neighborhood impacted by an explosion.  The 'ReadyIndy' team -- a chapters of the national Christian Emergency Network -- uses the cityreaching wiki to build their various helpful pages... including About 'ReadyIndy'.  All of you can help by staying abreast of everything so you'll know best how to pray @ReadyIndy.
  • During the #Sandy emergency, we connected people via our NewYork & Boston & Charleston pages.  Stay tuned for further helpful info at 'HowToRespond'. 
  • While CCDA2012 was underway, we enhanced the Minneapolis-St.Paul wiki-page of connections.
  • CityReaching wiki for Indianapolis is taking on a new sense of 'urgency'.  We're conducting a metro-wide communications drill as a part of our new Christian Emergency Network chapter... ReadyIndy.org.
  • Do YOU try to accelerate communications in YOUR city?  If so, add your TwitterID to your city's wiki-page herein.  Help others connect & communicate at the speed of Light!   [Need help?  Contact @IndyChristian ...email coach@IndyChristian.TV
  • We had a GREAT #CCDA2011 National Conference in Indianapolis!  (CCDA'rs, click on YOUR city (in the RH sidebar) and add your connections & knowledge to your city's wiki-knowledgebase!)
  • @IndyTimeline concept could work in ANY city.  Build a simple (and collaborative) google-doc like we did.  Then use a Twitter account to spread the word about events.  Example:  'Can We Trust The Bible?' event.
  • Hope you enjoyed 'Orlando2011'.  Visit http://Orlando2011.org -- Accelerating the Gospel!
  •  Here's an introduction re World Wide Open -- a connecting tool for Orlando2011 & beyond!
  • Indianapolis is proposing a cityreaching video-series:  'Exegeting Indy'.
  • How about starting an @IamSecond group in your city or community?  [Thanks CityReaching.com for highlighting this!]
  • Connect to other followers of Jesus in your Neighborhood to fulfill the Great Commission and deliver Kingdom Basics though tools and coaching available throughThe Family of God at: Your Neighborhood - Fulfilling the Great Comission, One Neighborhood at a time!
  • Twitter Users?  Use the #readycity tag.  It'll help everyone connect & communicate.
  • The BIBLE page is now helping people connect-up One Year Bible readers, city by city.
  • Community HelpDesk in Indianapolis.
  • CityReaching.com -- to register for their various upcoming events.




 Recent  'CITYREACHING'  tagged items around the web -- articles, photos, videos.  Tag YOURS?


This wiki encyclopedia/knowledgebase is for collaboratively growing the global cityreaching movement... together... city by city... neighborhood by neighborhood. In other words, it's the Great Commission... working together to ensure every man, woman and child in our communities get an optimal opportunity to know & enjoy Jesus Christ as Lord.  Loving our neighbors as ourselves includes inviting them to enjoy being part of His family/team. The family of God serves as 'salt & light' to our communities... collectively & concertedly being participating agents of His justice & mercy in the here & now. This wiki expedites connecting, discovering & sharing what each of our cityreaching movements look like (at their current status). We trust it will raise the big questions... and attempt to answer them... and press some of those answers into action.


Some of the big questions...

What does CityReaching look like in YOUR city? Your neighborhood? Who's really working together? How effective is the Great Commission in your community? What's your cityreaching plan? How can we know whether we're really DOING IT or not? How can we measure progress? How can we encourage one another along the way, and hold each other accountable for progress? continue to 'Big Questions'



Other FAQ's about this wiki-site:



Ok, to get started, see the list of cities in the RH sidebar...




Comments (3)

indychristian said

at 4:57 am on Apr 30, 2007

Excellent job, Joe, Jon and all.

Tim said

at 12:28 pm on May 13, 2011

Any reason why my event was deleted??? "Open Discussion Invitation: Is the Bible God's Word and Can We Trust It????
Thursday, May 19th, 2011 from 7:00 - 8:00 pm at the Trafalgar Branch of the Johnson County Public Library."

indychristian said

at 1:39 pm on May 13, 2011

Tim, we moved it... to a place with a better fit. And we added it to the @IndyTimeline and tweeted/retweeted it.

Since this particular page of the CityReaching wiki-knowledgebase is our Front Page, we really only want to MENTION new concepts/pages -- say with a one-liner & link. Thus my allusion above to the @IndyTimeline concept for cities to potentially mimic... and then used your event-link as the Example. Hope that's ok.

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