[Also see the larger series of wiki-pages creating a Worldview Toolkit.]
Science knows nothing whatever about prehistoric man; for the excellent reason that he is prehistoric. --G. K. Chesterton, Orthodoxy, Ed. Craig M. Kibler, 2002
It is absurd for the Evolutionist to complain that it is unthinkable for an admittedly unthinkable God to make everything out of nothing, and then pretend that it is more thinkable that nothing should turn itself into everything. - G.K. Chesterton
If you believe you just evolved without purpose, and completely by 'chance',
then there's every chance you're wrong about that too.
If you believe you were designed into what you are for a purpose,
then there's every reason to discover and pursue your Creator's purpose for you.
The first logical question humans should ask is: Why are we here? That would take us down the path of purpose and give us an entirely different pursuit of knowledge. Yet the question so many today ask skips this question and asks: How did we get here? That should be the logical second question, but it isn't. This question takes us down the path of reasons... and reasons without purpose always lend themselves far easier to supposition. In turn, suppositions lend themselves to counter -suppositions and sub-suppositions. They avoid the resolution inherent in purpose.
The account of creation offers an answer to the purpose of our existance. It resolves the primary and necessary need of the mind and heart to have a starting point from which any vantage of existance can relate so that the business of living towards that purpose can be accomplished. As one bookend of the creation account, the book of Job takes an example of the worst experience of existance and gives it a purpose. Dr. Ravi Zacharias makes this important observation of what can be learned from this book (Job 38-41) in regards to a designer behind a created earth and a created humanity:" Look all around you and the first argument God gives to Job is argument from design. If God can take the chaos in this universe and bring such beautiful design, can he not take trouble and turmoil in our life and bring some design out of it?" -- The Question of a Man in Agony (Part 1, MP3), RZIM, 2008
The theory of evolution offers suppositional reasons as to our being here but no purpose behind those assumed reasons. In and of themselves, those reasons lead one to explicate a process of how we got here from a period of time that preceeds our known history. In the case of evolution, it is a process frameworked out of assumptions based upon a few bits of solid evidence and glued together with much more supposition. The following links will provide you with a comparison of positions on creation v. evolution.
"The Evolution Controversy"... by Thomas Fowler and Daniel Kuebler... apparently tries to objectively lay out 4 competing theories... Neo-Darwinism, Meta-Darwinism, Intelligent Design, and Creation Theory. Here's an interesting review by a Ligonier reviewer. Unfortunately, apparently their framework for laying it all out, is solely in terms of empiricism (which it seems to me pretty much fails to be able to adequately lay out the case for miraculous intervention (Creation theory). And because 'Theistic Evolution' consists of a wide spectrum of interpretation across 3 of the 4 theories, the authors apparently do not address it at all.
When Mother Comes Home by Frederica Matthews-Green: Why a Materialist view neglects 2 important points-compassion for all life and that all life belongs to someone other than ourselves.
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