
CityReaching Calls

Page history last edited by indychristian 10 years, 2 months ago

CityReaching Types of Teleconference Calls...


What can be learned from each other via synchronous teleconference calls regularly?  Let's explore that.



Recurring Calls...




      How about YOUR MINISTRY... Do you do a regular teleconference call for cityreaching types of conversations?  [add your link below]









Some Examples from Past Calls:


MAC CityReaching Call... Mar. 20, 2008... 11am Eastern...


Guest:  Reid Carpenter




You are invited to join us for a highly anticipated conference call Thursday, Mar. 20th. To confirm your spot on the call, email info@cityreaching.com requesting the dial-in number.  The one hour call begins at 11 a.m. Eastern time, 10 Central, 9 Mountain, 8 Pacific, etc. 






MAC CityReaching Call... Feb. 21, 2008... 11am Eastern...


Subject: Transforming Congregations and Communities through Marriage/Family Ministry 

You are invited to join us for a highly anticipated conference call Thursday, February 21 when our guest will be Eric Garcia, President of the Association of Marriage and Family Ministries. To confirm your spot on the call, email info@cityreaching.com requesting the dial-in number.  The one hour call begins at 11 a.m. Eastern time, 10 Central, 9 Mountain, 8 Pacific, etc. 

Many social experts say that the breakdown of marriage and family is directly linked to the spiritual, moral, and social declension in our cities and communities, including the spread-growth of crime, failed education, poverty, to name a few.  Are we seeing our cities and communities reached and transformed through reclaiming the divine institutions of marriage & family?   The Association of Marriage and Family Ministries is committed to encouraging, training and equipping the church to build marriage and family ministries that are relevant to the needs of the culture.  They believe that where and when the church comes together in cities/communities for sustained marriage and family ministry, the spiritual and social decline can be turned for the positive. 

This call promises to provide some of the most encouraging stories, transferable models and proven true principles to contribute to local congregation and collaborative cityreaching ministry.  Eric will also share how God is using the ministry of Marriage Co-mission for city-wide church mobilization and outreach.

Prior to launching AMFM, Eric spent the past 25 years as a business owner, board member, business and ministry consultant, and executive.

We welcome your participation in this (third Thursday) monthly call hosted by Jarvis Ward and Glenn Barth.






Some brief notes re MAC call... 1/17/2008


  • Guest:  Michael Lienau...  Reconciliation... 
  • Guest Michael Lienau of Global Net Productions will share what he has learned about reconciliation and film work that can help us all.  God calls together a diverse people in His body, and we are still working it out, whether racial, conflicting personalities, generations or denominations. The call will deal with what it means to be a diverse people of God.  How do we live in love together?


    To participate in this call, email info@cityreaching.com requesting the dial-in number


  • MLK Day coming up.  [special page re MLK activities in YOUR city?]



Any special thoughts, ideas about leveraging the value of these regular interactions in the future?


  •  Is anyone into 'podcasting' these types of calls?
  • Anyone using webcasts?
  • Or even internet video-tv?






Below are a handful of archived notes from previous calls...


[previously archived notes can be seen inside the CrossroadsConnection site, and at CityReaching.com]




Some brief notes from the MAC call... 12/20/2007





Here are some brief notes from today's MAC call... 11/15/2007


  • Listen in:  When the audio is archived at CityReaching.com
  • Host:  Jarvis Ward, MAC's CityReaching Division
  • Announcements:   Dec. 20 call.  April 2008 CIR.  New CityReaching.com rollout soon -- a major enhancement!
  • Guest:  Bob Moffitt -- Author, "If Jesus Were Mayor"
  • Guest:  Darrow Miller -- Author, "Discipling Nations"
  • [excerpted from Disciple Nations Alliance website...]


    • "The Disciple Nations Alliance (DNA) is a worldwide Christian movement that exists to affect a paradigm shift in churches around the world. Our passion is to envision churches to see themselves as God’s principle agents of Kingdom advancement, and to serve them in fulfilling their strategic role in the transformation of their communities and nations.



      The DNA began in 1997 out of a partnership between Food for the Hungry and Harvest. We were founded on the conviction that Jesus’ blood was shed for the healing of “all things” broken through the Fall (Col. 1:20). This healing is offered not only to individuals, but extends to communities and entire nations.

      Our vision is to see engaged, credible, high-impact local churches affecting real transformation in their communities and in sufficient mass to disciple their nations."

  • BM:  once cynical about the Church, but eventually God spoke to his heart re that cynicism.
  • DM:  Met Bob at Denver Seminary in the inner-city there.  L'abri helped him to see he needed to be born-again, born-again mind.  Urban city of Denver.  Food For The Hungry.
  • DM:  The Church as God's agent re social change in our communities.  Primary obstacle:  Lack of biblical worldview.


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