Chicagoland... on a practical basis, also encompasses Gary & Lake County, Indiana.
Other Chicago ministry-maps: PrayChicago - Gospel_Justice -
Situation report (Can anyone add other key info? Please do):
- Shared the Good News with ___% of 'Every' (man, woman, young-person) in Chicago Metropolitan Area's 9.5 million people... through an authentic Christ-follower.
- Citywide prayer is resurging from and in center city (rather than from suburbs)
- Moody Bible/Radio among planning leadership
- Two decades of collaboration has resulted in good to great relationships among many top and middle level leaders/pastors
- Courtside Prayer Ministries expanding to additional courthouses
- Lake County (north of Chicago) coordinated by@ChristTogether (cityreaching)
- Lake County (west of the city) coached by Loving Our Communities to Christ (LC2C - FoxValley).
(One example within Chicagoland...)
Christ Together Stories from Christ Together on Vimeo. Updated: See Go-Together, Gurnee IL
PRAY Chicago and TLN interview with Rev. Vance Henry of the Chicago Mayor's office on Faith and Action Day. from FOUR:2 Media on Vimeo.
ARCHIVED ENTRIES (These appear to be no longer active ministries or sites ... please verify or update if you have updated information)
- Lake County is coming together as never before as Catalyst
Twitter Communicators...
Pray for successful collaboration!
Phil Miglioratti
Added Aug 29th...
The Alpha Invitation in Lake County
An Alpha Invitation in Lake County, IL was announced at the Catalyst meeting in April. The aim is to increase the visibility of the Alpha course this fall. Billboards, Metra station posters, bus-tails, movie theaters, yard signs, posters and car magnets have been seen this August, and we are praying that God moves on the hearts of the people who see the message and get invited to the Introductory Alpha Dinner.
~ To make disciples of Jesus Christ - Matt. 28: 19.
~ The Alpha course presents the Gospel in a conversational / relational way that is relevant for today’s culture
To raise awareness of the Alpha Course by increasing the visibility of the Alpha course
• More churches run the course. In Lake County, IL, we have already seen a 170% increase in church courses (over 30)
• The campaign, commercial, and churches/courses working together give the Alpha Course credibility and people are encouraged to invite their friends. For example, Eddie from Christ Church, Lake Forest told us this,"...the yard signs, bumper stickers and posters have been generating all kinds of questions from people. It has given us great opportunity to share what Alpha has done for us and our faith, and to invite people we may not otherwise even conversed with. Also, there was a lot of talk at the movie theater during the ads. God is moving..."
• It demonstrates to people that the churches are working together and we are promised that where there is unity, there will also be blessing (Psalm 133)
• Brand recognition leading to more responses to invitations to the ‘Introductory Dinner’ – typically, the Alpha Invitation results in a 100% increase in response rate
• More people attend the course
For more information about the Alpha Invitation please contact:
Alpha's website:
[Editorial Note from Neil... I LOVED this little Alpha video-clip at YouTube.]
Below added on June 2nd...
Bless Your Block
Time to . . . Get out of our seats into the streets!"
Congregations are beginning to identify their Care plans:
* Farmer's Market for the neighborhood
* Flea market
* Car Wash
* Assess needs by attending Senior Suites, PTA, and LSC
* Block Party (food, games)
* Bring gifts to mothers
* Back-to-School packets
* Clean-Up: mowing lawns, removing garbage, simple repairs
* Homeless shelter meals
* Provide smoke alarms
* Trash clean-up
* ...What about your Church? Sunday School Class? Bible Study? Youth Group?
Bless Your Block churches:
* Pray for their neighbors by name - * Care for their neighborhood by need - * Share their faith-hope-love . . .
Where do we begin?
* Ask God what breaks His heart as you stand on your facility's front steps
* Prayerwalk your block: eyes & ears open
* Discover how God is already at work and agree to join him
* Assess your congregation's assets: Connections & Contacts; Passions & Resources
* Key leadership meets to seek God's direction in prayer
* Cast the vision: The call & the need; The opportunity & the possibilities
* Call for participation & Implementation
* Provide training
* Explain how to share the faith, hope and love we have found in Chris
Will your church be Praying? Caring? Sharing this summer?
- Add your church to the Bless Your Block website @
- Or, leave a voice message (church name and address) @ 847-991-0153
- Or, email (church name and address)
____________________________________ Turn "VBS" or a Saturday "Block Party" or a summer "Work Day" into an opportunity to demonstrate how your congregation cares about the community - - Reach Up (prayer) & Reach Out (care) & Reach In (share)
Phil Miglioratti for Bless Your Block 847-991-0153
* Explain how NOT to share …
How about this great pic from Indianapolis recently? "Who can clean-up neighborhoods the fastest?"
[Phil... Here's a wiki-page re a NEIGHBORHOOD-focused ministry here in Indy... actually by one of our Crossroads Bible College profs who lives there... and will be getting the 'Crimefighter of the Year' award in his police-district. Thought you'd enjoy seeing the model.]
(and here's a page we've started over in our AskAnythingSaturday wiki, for helping guys learn to wiki. You're welcome to delete the link when it's no longer useful to you.)
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