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2021  Ministry of Reconciliation - article 


2016 Flint Water Crisis (map provided by ReadyIndy)   - current news#FlintWaterCrisis (twitter thread)



Situation Update from a ministry in Flint (1/2016):  "The water crisis has been an ongoing saga dating back to July. There is so much in flux right now that it's hard to say what the long-term trajectory looks like. Many organizations and local church bodies are being mobilized to try and assist with the short-term urgency needs of the community."


Prayer Requested (1/16/2016)


"Please pray that the water toxicity levels drop below the safe levels so that citizens can safely use their water. Please pray that local, state and federal authorities are wise in their response and management of the crisis. Please pray for the children and families of Flint who have been poisoned by drinking toxic water over the last several months. Please pray for increased employment opportunities for the residence of Flint so that they can afford to have running water in their homes."


A couple good ways for organizations and individuals to get involved would be...

1. Consider making a donations to the Community Foundation's response initiative. https://www.cfgf.org/cfgf/GoodWork/FlintArea/WaterCrisis/tabid/855/Default.aspx

2. One of our partner churches in the Civic Park neighborhood called Joy Tabernacle is excepting bottled water donations and are actively passing those out to neighborhood families. Joy will gladly accept cases of water and will make sure they get into the hands of families affected by the crisis.




Links re Collaborative Churches/Ministries:

















See Flint, MI on Wikipedia, for demographics and other great links.











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